Can Parkinson’s Disease be Cured?

Parkinson’s is a disease that is progressive and damages the nervous system which causes limited motion and impaired locomotion. In early Parkinson’s sufferers the symptoms that may arise are difficult to move the face so they often do not have expressions. Besides that maybe without realizing it when people walk casually their arms no longer swing as normal people do.

On this occasion I will give a little reference on the treatment of Parkinson’s disease which may not be many people who have heard of it. Treatment of Parkinson’s disease using Marijuana! Yes with the Medical marijuana. According to the results of various studies on marijuana long-term use of marijuana can reduce/inhibit symptoms of Parkinson’s disease which is why in many countries that have legalized it such as Medical marijuana Canada the use of marijuana as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease is not strange anymore.

What are the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease that often appear?

In most people who live with Parkinson’s disease symptoms usually begin with a decrease in motor skills and cannot control the movement of movement and muscle. Here are four main symptoms and signs of Parkinson’s disease namely:

  1. Tremor

This symptom is very common in Parkinson’s sufferers. Tremor is characterized by movements of the limbs that occur unconsciously vibrate rhythmically. This symptom begins with one trembling finger and for a long time all fingers will tremble. But not everyone who has Parkinson’s disease has tremors.

  1. Rigidity

That is a condition in which the muscles feel stiff in the legs and neck. For the most part people with muscle stiffness cause pain like muscle cramps but for some others it actually makes a sense of loss or numbness in muscles that experience rigidity.

  1. Bradykinesia or akinesia

Similar to rigidity and tremor bradykinesia and akinesia are also associated with limited limb movements. Bradykinesia is one of the classic symptoms of Parkinson’s disease which is a delay in the movement of the limbs. If Parkinson’s disease is not treated properly then in a few years later it will cause akinesia or it cannot move the limbs at all and the muscles become stiff.

  1. Body imbalance

The ability to balance yourself is reduced therefore Parkinson’s sufferers are very vulnerable to falls.

Can Parkinson’s be cured?

Just like diabetes parkinsonism cannot be cured but it can be controlled for complications that may arise later on. Some medical measures may be needed when the stages of Parkinson’s disease have entered the final stage. But there are medicines that are often given for Parkinson’s sufferers:


Levodopa is a drug that is considered the most effective for suppressing symptoms and slowing down signs of Parkinson’s disease that appears. This drug works like dopamine which is lost in Parkinson’s sufferers. Whereas Carbidopa is a drug that is combined to relieve symptoms of nausea and vomiting that can arise due to consuming levodopa. Taking carbidopa-levodopa for a long time and with high doses can cause the body’s movements to become uncontrolled. Therefore doctors usually adjust the dose by looking at the side effects that might arise


This type of drug is needed by Parkinson’s sufferers who have entered the advanced stage. When levodopa is no longer effective in reducing Parkinson’s symptoms that appear Duopa is the recommended drug to replace it.

Dopamine agonist

Unlike levodopa which replaces the role of dopamine in the body this dopamine agonist mimics the effects of dopamine on the brain. Although not as effective as levodopa in treating existing symptoms but dopamine agonist is safer for a long time than levodopa.

MAO-B inhibitors

This drug works by preventing dopamine levels from going down or even disappearing from the brain. Side effects caused by this drug are nausea or insomnia.


This drug is used to reduce the level of tremor that occurs in Parkinson’s sufferers. While the side effects caused by the consumption of this drug are hallucinations constipation or constipation dry mouth and rarely urinate.


Amantadine is given to patients with Parkinson’s with very early to moderate stages and causes side effects such as hallucinations and pain in some joints.

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