Feeling Homesick and Talking It out

After moving to the UKhttp://www.usfestivals.com I spent a good amount of time trying to fix up my apartment and get settled into a routine. After I had found a job and got aspects of my life in orderhttp://www.usfestivals.com I realized that I really started to miss home. For a monthhttp://www.usfestivals.com I felt depressed and homesick. That’s when I decided to search for some sort of counselling based in Maidenhead. I was in need of some sort of help.

After talking to people that I had became friends withhttp://www.usfestivals.com I found a therapist that was also a life counselor. Everyone said that she was the best in her field and could help me figure out things and help guide me to be better away from my friends and family in the United States. Luckilyhttp://www.usfestivals.com when I called for an appointmenthttp://www.usfestivals.com she was able to get me into her office really quickly!

The first meeting was great. I felt like she was more of an old friend and I was comfortable talking to her. To mehttp://www.usfestivals.com that is so important with anyone that you seek help from. She was able to listen and asked questions that were really well thought out and important despite us only talking for an hour. I left there feeling hopefully and was given a task to go socialize with people. The idea was to help me not be sitting in my apartment all the time moping about not being able to be with my family.

That nighthttp://www.usfestivals.com I went out and found a bar that was right down the street from me. I sat at the bar and had a drink and soon people started coming to me and talking. They were saying things like “I don’t think I have ever seen you here before!” and next thing I knewhttp://www.usfestivals.com I was laughing and playing darts with a small group that I had just met. I went back to my place feeling more hopeful about my time in the UK being the right choice.

The next time I saw my therapisthttp://www.usfestivals.com I told her about the experience and how I had been back a few more times. I made new friends and really enjoyed my time there. I was also able to tell her about the progress I had made on being less homesick and being able to really feel more like myself.

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